Info se dá nalézt na Wowpedii a u komentářů na Wowheadu:
This is obtained from Bor Wildmane is Silithus after completing the Abyssal Signets, by turning in 3 Abyssal Signets you will receive a [Sack of Spoils] containing provisions, Gold, and the occasional Blue Item. This sword is a rare Epic found in the Sack.
The Elemental Attuned Blade is attained only from turning in 3 Abyssal Signets (or 1 if it's the first time you're completing the quest) for a Sack of Spoils The chance for you to obtain the sword from it is less than .5% so don't get your hopes up.
Čili item má lootovat z http://wiki.mystiq.o...nia/?item=20601, přičemž šance na drop je velmi nízká, kolem 0,5% (přesný zdroj nejspíš neexistuje).
Předem díky za opravu. :D