How do Aggro and Threat work in WoW
Gaining Power (Mana / Energy / Rage) also causes threat in most cases, for example taking a healing potion, or gaining rage from Bloodrage, or Energy from Thistle Tea. Certain spells are exempt, for example mana from Blessing of Wisdom or a Mana Spring totem doesnt cause threat,...
Kenco's research on threat
Abilities that put "you gain x mana" in the combat log give 0.5 threat per point gained; life is the same. Examples would be drinking potions, but not natural regen, or the Shaman's mana spring totem.
Podle uvedených zdrojů mana spring threatovat nemá.
(ohledně mana tide totemu jsem nenaśel zmíňku,ale na mystiqu nethreatuje - omen ukazuje že má,ale jiné podklady jsem nenašel)
This post has been edited by Slaan: 12 December 2012 - 02:09 PM