cloak of shadows má jeden velký bug a to jestli se spell casti a rogue dá cloak pak má šanci na rezzist dle tech 90% ale jestli spell letí a rogue da cloak má na rezzist 0% že prosím opravit děkuji.
Každá rána co letí a byla už vycastěna zasáhne rogue skoro na 100%.
Report ID | 8968 | Title | cloak of shadows |
Product | Rogue | Status | Není bug (Severity 0 - None Assigned) |
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Report ID #8968: cloak of shadows
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Replies (1 - 5)
#2 Mufinqua
Posted 02 December 2012 - 01:30 PM
No hele mas to nekde dokazano, ze to tak ma fungovat?
Protoze se divam vsude mozne a tam, kde lidi napisou to, co ty, tak ho setrou s tim, ze to tak ma fungovat a ze o tom dotycny nic nevi.
Mluvi o "novem vanishi" a zminuje lava burst, coz zrejme znamena, ze ten "novy vanish" prisel na wotlku.
Protoze se divam vsude mozne a tam, kde lidi napisou to, co ty, tak ho setrou s tim, ze to tak ma fungovat a ze o tom dotycny nic nevi.
So, I did a bit of testing on cloak today, and it turns out it can resist mid air spells now.
The old cloak of shadows would still let a spell pass through if you used it on a mid air spell. For example, if a lava burst is coming at you, and you cloak, you'll still get hit by it.
Now cloak does work on mid air spells the same way vanish used to. The only downside is that it doesn't work on physical spells like blind (oh well). But it does work on things such as lava burst and even death coil.
The old cloak of shadows would still let a spell pass through if you used it on a mid air spell. For example, if a lava burst is coming at you, and you cloak, you'll still get hit by it.
Now cloak does work on mid air spells the same way vanish used to. The only downside is that it doesn't work on physical spells like blind (oh well). But it does work on things such as lava burst and even death coil.
Mluvi o "novem vanishi" a zminuje lava burst, coz zrejme znamena, ze ten "novy vanish" prisel na wotlku.
#3 orifox
Posted 02 December 2012 - 01:38 PM
Je to možné.. poté co jsem zjistil že se ferocious bite počítá podle vzorce z wotlku tak bych se vůbec nedivil, kdyby to pomíchali běžní lidi. Faktem je, že developer Peantek to má na svém serveru "opravené"... Tedy že cloak funguje i na již letící spelly (aspoň myslím...)
#4 Rohipnol
Posted 02 December 2012 - 02:48 PM
V samotnom Bugreporte ** sa pise
"What you can clearly see in this video is that you cloak in the time fear / poly takes to apply. This counts as if you were cloaking a mid-air spell-> it won't protect you from it. This is working as intended and has even been criticized by people like woundman, he even had videos on his channel about it but that's the way it worked on live @ 3.3.5a"
Na TBC sa na uz vycastene spelly pouzival vzdy vanish, uz sa to tu niekde riesilo, bol tu topic s videami z ofi kde bolo jasne vidiet ze Cloak sa na mid air nepouzival.
"What you can clearly see in this video is that you cloak in the time fear / poly takes to apply. This counts as if you were cloaking a mid-air spell-> it won't protect you from it. This is working as intended and has even been criticized by people like woundman, he even had videos on his channel about it but that's the way it worked on live @ 3.3.5a"
Na TBC sa na uz vycastene spelly pouzival vzdy vanish, uz sa to tu niekde riesilo, bol tu topic s videami z ofi kde bolo jasne vidiet ze Cloak sa na mid air nepouzival.
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