Na tento spell by sa mali vztahovat take iste podmienky ako na vsetky ostatne gtAoE spelly. Teda mal by som byt schopny hodit combat,dmg a stun tymto spellom aj za texturu za predpokladu ze je stred v mojom LoSe.
Co sa vsak deje na Insomnii je to ze tento spell nedava absolutne ziaden efekt akemukolvek targetu ktory sice je v radiuse spellu ale nieje v mojom LoSe
TC bug report
Warlocks Den
"If you count the blast radius, the far edge of your shadowfury range is actually 40 yards. It also go around corners as you can hit people behind a pillar by using the blast properties of the spell. This is perfect in stunning sneaky healers hiding behind pillars. It allows you to damage people when they have no LOS of you."
+Mnoho dalsich bugreportov z inych freecok, tie sem ale hadzat nebudem.
Report ID | 8869 | Title | Shadowfury LoS |
Product | Warlock | Status | Nové (Severity 0 - None Assigned) |
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Report ID #8869: Shadowfury LoS
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