Petov dispell ignoruje grounding efekt, na jednej strane teda nejde zrusit grounding dispellom a na druhej moze warlock dispellovat target aj cez grounding efekt.
Edit: Dispell ignoruje aj warov spell reflect
Report ID | 8201 | Title | Devour Magic/Grounding |
Product | Warlock | Status | Nové (Severity 0 - None Assigned) |
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Report ID #8201: Devour Magic/Grounding
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Replies (1 - 5)
#3 Rohipnol
Posted 03 August 2012 - 12:20 AM
Naozaj? To som nevedel... Zatial mam len http://www.arenajunk...spell-reflects/
"I generally use Dispel Magic to get rid of the spell reflect..."
Niekto kto o tom vie daco viac?
"I generally use Dispel Magic to get rid of the spell reflect..."
Niekto kto o tom vie daco viac?
#5 Rohipnol
Posted 16 August 2012 - 10:41 AM
Takze sa jedna o vsetky dispelly(aj spellsteal) a grounding/spell reflect:
Ak ide Dispell/purge na target vycastit (ma na sebe dispellable buffy)mali by tieto efekty "zozrat" gorunding/spell reflect. V pripade spell reflectu dispellnut buffy z castera(pri spellsteale to ma zhodit buff casterovy a dat ho warovy). "...Purge spell reflect"
http://www.threadmet...ell_Reflection/ " I personally am quite irritated whenever i hit spell reflect at the very end of a lava burst, chaosbolt, frostbolt cast, and my spell reflect is wasted on a priest just spamming dispel magic."
http://www.arenajunk...spell-reflects/ "I generally use Dispel Magic to get rid of the spell reflect..."
http://www.wowhead.c...ection#comments "...Spellreflecting spellsteal actually steals one of the mage's buffs and gives it to the warrior..." "Use Devour Magic on Grounding Totem and Spell Reflect to save a Global Cooldown..."
A este report od TC:
"The Spell "Grounding totem" Or the "Offensive Dispels" are bugged.
Offensive Dispels should break "Grounding Totem" , and it doesn't.
List of Offensive Dispels:
Devour magic
Tranquilizing Shot."
Ak ide Dispell/purge na target vycastit (ma na sebe dispellable buffy)mali by tieto efekty "zozrat" gorunding/spell reflect. V pripade spell reflectu dispellnut buffy z castera(pri spellsteale to ma zhodit buff casterovy a dat ho warovy). "...Purge spell reflect"
http://www.threadmet...ell_Reflection/ " I personally am quite irritated whenever i hit spell reflect at the very end of a lava burst, chaosbolt, frostbolt cast, and my spell reflect is wasted on a priest just spamming dispel magic."
http://www.arenajunk...spell-reflects/ "I generally use Dispel Magic to get rid of the spell reflect..."
http://www.wowhead.c...ection#comments "...Spellreflecting spellsteal actually steals one of the mage's buffs and gives it to the warrior..." "Use Devour Magic on Grounding Totem and Spell Reflect to save a Global Cooldown..."
A este report od TC:
"The Spell "Grounding totem" Or the "Offensive Dispels" are bugged.
Offensive Dispels should break "Grounding Totem" , and it doesn't.
List of Offensive Dispels:
Devour magic
Tranquilizing Shot."
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