chtěl bych nahlásit nefunkčnost tohoto itemu (38050)
přijde mi trochu blbé prodávat nefunkční item ve VIP shopu
- vyvolá non-combat peta - funkční
- pet vám při "killing blow" vytvoří item [Ethereal Credit] za který si můžete u něj koupit některé itemy - nefunkční
- pet se chová jako vendor, ale itemy pouze prodává NEKUPUJE (nelze mu nic prodat nazpět)! - nefunkční
- prodává itemy: (wowhead)
[Diluted Ethereum Essence] 50
[Ethereal Mutagen] 100
[Ethereal Liqueur] 25
[Ethereal Essence Sphere] 50
[Soul-Trader's Bindings] 1000
[Soul-Trader's Boots] 250
[Soul-Trader's Gloves] 250
[Soul-Trader's Head Wrap] 100
[Soul-Trader's Pauldrons] 500
[Soul-Trader's Waistband] 100
(koukám, že některé z těchto itemů ani nejsou v mystiq DB)
- nefunkční
víc info na wowheadu
- Summons a full-size Consortium member as a Non-Combat pet.
- When summoned emotes "I have arrived. Shall we set to work, then?".
- Pet follows and absorbs souls from slain mobs via killing blow in return for Ethereal Credit.
- To earn credit mobs / players must be capable of giving experience / honor, i.e. green or harder, and character must have the killing blow.
- The pet also acts as a vendor and the following items can be bought with Ethereal Credit:
[Diluted Ethereum Essence] [Ethereal Mutagen] [Ethereal Liqueur] [Ethereal Essence Sphere] [Soul-Trader's Bindings] [Soul-Trader's Boots] [Soul-Trader's Gloves] [Soul-Trader's Head Wrap] [Soul-Trader's Pauldrons] [Soul-Trader's Waistband] - The vendor purchasable Soul-Trader clothing set almost matches those worn by Consortium members.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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