Sleepy Willy
Tento companion má házet Eye-Beam na Crittery čímž je má zabíjet
tuším, že se jedná o spelly :
Willy focus (Patrně vyhledání Critera)
Willy (Patrně zabití Critera)
Dále má usínat ale nevím po jaké době a jestli ted usíná...nenašel sem k tomu žádnej spell
Přikládám link na video jak Willi ničí krysu: Youtube
A ještě citace z wowwiky:
Willy will automatically attack a random, single critter that is within a 10-yard radius, and the attack occurs once every 3-minutes (if no critter is within the attack radius then that attack is simply skipped at the appropriate time and the timer resets). The timer resets when Willy is first summoned (or unsummoned/re-summoned), and continues counting as long as Willy remains summoned. He also has a tendency to fall asleep and wake up with a start.