Bug (Cyclone)
Pri vycasteni Cyclone na target,jde obnovit dalsim aniz by skoncil jeden cyclon a na ten muze dat dalsi cyclon.
co jsem Zkousel a na tbc to tak i fungovalo je viz. obrazek-
Report ID | 7832 | Title | Cyclone - BUG |
Product | Druid | Status | Nové (Severity 0 - None Assigned) |
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Report ID #7832: Cyclone - BUG
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Replies (1 - 5)
#3 Feenux
Posted 10 March 2012 - 10:10 PM
Postnu sem přímo ty dva commenty, co bych řek, že jsou dostačující důkaz
By Myhv 2009/10/12 (Patch 3.2.2)
It says "Mechanic: Banished". Does it means that if you cast cyclone on target that is affected by it the primary effect will be canceled(same as banish)?
By n4rt0n on 2009/10/31 (Patch 3.2.2)
no, the target is going to be immune because he's banished
By Myhv 2009/10/12 (Patch 3.2.2)
It says "Mechanic: Banished". Does it means that if you cast cyclone on target that is affected by it the primary effect will be canceled(same as banish)?
By n4rt0n on 2009/10/31 (Patch 3.2.2)
no, the target is going to be immune because he's banished
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