co by se mi líbilo kdyby to nějak obsahovalo i tento komentář
(Patch 1.12.0) Report
Private hendel has two bodyguards near him, if you start the quest with them being there they will attack you as well, so drag a mob to the guards before the quest and they will be focused on killing the monster. Then you start the quest and you'll only have to deal with 1 person. Otherwise you'll have to fight 3 level 35/36's and thats difficult for the lower level people
Private hendel has two bodyguards near him, if you start the quest with them being there they will attack you as well, so drag a mob to the guards before the quest and they will be focused on killing the monster. Then you start the quest and you'll only have to deal with 1 person. Otherwise you'll have to fight 3 level 35/36's and thats difficult for the lower level people
Aktuálně to spíše vypadá, že je tam sám na tý dřevěný plošině.
edit: no dobře, ti dva jsou kousek dál u ohníčku
Tady je kdyžtak video – jak jde vidět na videu, tak ti dva týpci jen tak nečinně nestojí jako na serveru, takže nějaký trojúhelník jako má ten bližší guard alespoň by se hodil :D
Ten zbytek eventu by již neměl být problém.
This post has been edited by Potap: 06 December 2011 - 03:42 AM