Ide tam o to, že nesmiete byť trafený Lava Strikom - čo je spell ktorý strielajú ohnive tornáda v láve okolo plošiny.
Dnes som splnil podmienky, no achiev sa nezapočítal.
Achiev môže splniť každý sám (ako Intense Cold v Nexusu u Keristrazsy)
By tilgare (5·33) on 2008/10/17 (Patch 3.0.2)
It sounds like this is one that the entire raid may not get, but individually it will be possible. That is to say, if someone screws up, it won't screw up your chances of getting the achievement.
By Beryligos (6·26) on 2008/11/22 (Patch 3.0.3)
I agree. Intense Cold goes along the same mechanics.
It sounds like this is one that the entire raid may not get, but individually it will be possible. That is to say, if someone screws up, it won't screw up your chances of getting the achievement.
By Beryligos (6·26) on 2008/11/22 (Patch 3.0.3)
I agree. Intense Cold goes along the same mechanics.