Achiev nelze získat při přechodu z TBC na WoTLK (to je v pořádku), nelze ale získat ani na WoTLKu, pokud by si reputaci někdo přehodil. Splnit to lze pouze, pokud by měl člověk obě reputace na exhalted ve stejnou chvíli, což je ovšem až na humany nemožné.
Report ID | 3728 | Title | Hero of Shattrath |
Product | Feats of Strength | Status | Nové (Severity 1 - Low) |
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Report ID #3728: Hero of Shattrath
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Replies (1 - 3)
#2 Valynisa
Posted 09 January 2012 - 06:29 PM
Jimo on 2009/12/05 (Patch 3.2.2)
As long as you hit Exalted with one of them, and have the achievement "Shattrath Divided" then you will get the FOS once you hit Exalted with the other. The game keeps track of it for you, it doesn't need items to prove what you've done unless you want it to be rewarded retroactively.
As long as you hit Exalted with one of them, and have the achievement "Shattrath Divided" then you will get the FOS once you hit Exalted with the other. The game keeps track of it for you, it doesn't need items to prove what you've done unless you want it to be rewarded retroactively.
#4 Paeris
Posted 31 March 2012 - 06:32 PM
http://www.wowwiki.c....3#Achievements jinak je to ještě popsáno zde
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