Curse of Recklessnes u warlocka nedává imunitu na fear. Ani když na targetu je a vycastim fear, ani když tam fear je a hodim CoR.
Report ID | 2005 | Title | Curse of Recklessnes |
Product | Warlock | Status | Nové (Severity 0 - None Assigned) |
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Report ID #2005: Curse of Recklessnes
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#4 Rohipnol
Posted 15 October 2012 - 01:03 PM
Takze spell som testoval znovu
Co spell v skutocnosti robit ma: Ak ho aplikujem na target pred zacastenim fearu, ma sposobit immunitu na fear. Logicky teda ak ho zacastim na target ktory uz fear ma tak mu ma ten fear okamzite zrusit (pouzivalo sa na ofi ked bolo v dungoch treba fearovat a nahodou mobka utekala do nebezpecnych miest a naagrovala by dalsie). Samozrejme mobky ktore na 20% zacnu zdrhat ku kamaratom, tuto akciu po aplikovani cursy nevykonaju.
"Curse of Recklessness also nullifies Fear. This means that a Warlock can easily CC by casting fear on a mob, and then casting CoR just before it gets out of range."
"This spell is/was useful for any humanoid that might run near death. Look for the "runs away in fear" emote around 20% health (most "Defias" mobs were notorious for running away at low health resulting in add pulls). The trick is to place CoR rank 1 (lower mana cost) just before then, leaving a more useful Curse on for the majority of the fight."
Co spell v skutocnosti robi: Ak ho aplikujem na fearnuty taarget tak nesposobi absolutne nic, ak ho aplikujem a zacastim fear potom, fear sa normalne aktivuje ale: target ostane na mieste(nebeha), NEMOZE POUZIT INSKU (undead racialku ano), nemoze pouzit meele attack a moze castit.
Edit: Ma sa vztahovat aj na horror efekty teda Death Coil, DC sa sprava presne tak isto ako fear.
Co spell v skutocnosti robit ma: Ak ho aplikujem na target pred zacastenim fearu, ma sposobit immunitu na fear. Logicky teda ak ho zacastim na target ktory uz fear ma tak mu ma ten fear okamzite zrusit (pouzivalo sa na ofi ked bolo v dungoch treba fearovat a nahodou mobka utekala do nebezpecnych miest a naagrovala by dalsie). Samozrejme mobky ktore na 20% zacnu zdrhat ku kamaratom, tuto akciu po aplikovani cursy nevykonaju.
"Curse of Recklessness also nullifies Fear. This means that a Warlock can easily CC by casting fear on a mob, and then casting CoR just before it gets out of range."
"This spell is/was useful for any humanoid that might run near death. Look for the "runs away in fear" emote around 20% health (most "Defias" mobs were notorious for running away at low health resulting in add pulls). The trick is to place CoR rank 1 (lower mana cost) just before then, leaving a more useful Curse on for the majority of the fight."
Co spell v skutocnosti robi: Ak ho aplikujem na fearnuty taarget tak nesposobi absolutne nic, ak ho aplikujem a zacastim fear potom, fear sa normalne aktivuje ale: target ostane na mieste(nebeha), NEMOZE POUZIT INSKU (undead racialku ano), nemoze pouzit meele attack a moze castit.
Edit: Ma sa vztahovat aj na horror efekty teda Death Coil, DC sa sprava presne tak isto ako fear.
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