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Priest Pokec o tomto povolani

#341 User is offline   deluro 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 12:44 AM

a este preco ked dam SWD v normal forme da rovnaky dmg do cielu aj mna,,ale ked si zapnem shadow formu schytavam o nejake 2-3stovky vacsi dmg,,nezda sa mi ze by to tak malo fungvat

#342 User is offline   istwanek22 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 01:16 AM

no shadowforma zvysuje dmg, takze vic das- vic dostanes..
teda jestli jsem tvuj dotaz dobre pochopil.

#343 User is offline   deluro 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 09:03 AM

uplne nie ,proste v shadow forme ,,dam dmg do ciela cca 1300,, a dostanem 1600,,o tie tri stovky viac proste,v tom pripade mi to az taky vyhodne neprijde

#344 User is offline   Redwall 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 09:35 AM

mozno to bude tym ze ma target vacsi spellresist alebo vacsiu resilku ako ty

#345 User is offline   deluro 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 09:45 AM

resilka ani resist to urcite nieje,,testoval som to uz vo viacerych dueloch,aj proti creepom,,ono bude nieco bugle na shadow forme

#346 User is offline   Redwall 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 01:40 PM

tak potom hej :)

#347 User is offline   Bonitko 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 03:10 PM

Když to tak čtu tak to je skoro revize jak zesrat Spriesta ^^

#348 User is offline   Rippy 

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 07:13 PM

[quote name='Bonitko' date='31 december 2009 - 04:10 ' timestamp='1262268635' post='115717']
Když to tak čtu tak to je skoro revize jak zesrat Spriesta ^^
Do PvE je ta revize spise prinosem ,ale do PvP nestesti xD

#349 User is offline   Evander 

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 11:14 PM

zdravim zacal sem hrat priesta s pritelkyni ona ma koulo symbol of hope ,, ale co je lepsi ja ho nemam a nikdo jiny co sem se ptal taky ne nevi nekdo kde se to kouzlo naucila ???? litam povsech lokacich co chodila ona a nemuzu to najit :D poradte diky :D vas mali nesnaseny evander

#350 User is offline   Maci 

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 11:29 PM

[quote name='Evander' date='04 január 2010 - 11:14 ' timestamp='1262643240' post='117476']
zdravim zacal sem hrat priesta s pritelkyni ona ma koulo symbol of hope ,, ale co je lepsi ja ho nemam a nikdo jiny co sem se ptal taky ne nevi nekdo kde se to kouzlo naucila ???? litam povsech lokacich co chodila ona a nemuzu to najit :) poradte diky :) vas mali nesnaseny evander
kazdej priest ma i spelly dle toho, jake je rasy :), symbol of hope maj tusim draenai :)

#351 User is offline   Alci 

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:28 PM

[b]Draenei[/b] maj [b]Symbol of Hope + Chastise[/b]
[b]Dwarfove[/b] maj [b]Chastise + Desperate Prayer[/b]
[b]Humani[/b] maj [b]Feedback + Desperate Prayer[/b]
[b]Night Elfove[/b] maj [b]Elune's Grace + Starshards[/b]
[b]Undeadi[/b] maj [b]Touch of Weakness + Devouring Plague[/b]
[b]Blood Elfové[/b] maj [b]Touch of Weakness + Consume Magic[/b]
[b]Trollové[/b] maj [b]Hex of Weakness + Shadowguard[/b]

[img][/img][b]Elune's Grace[/b] - Reduces the chance you'll be hit by melee and ranged attacks by 20% for 15 sec.

[img][/img][b]Desperate Prayer[/b] - Instantly heals the caster for 1601 to 1888.

[img][/img][b]Starshards[/b] - Rains starshards down on the enemy target's head, causing 785 Arcane damage over 15 sec.

[img][/img][b]Feedback[/b] - The priest becomes surrounded with anti-magic energy. Any successful spell cast against the priest will burn 165 of the attacker's Mana, causing 1 Shadow damage for each point of Mana burned. Lasts 15 sec.

[img][/img][b]Chastise[/b] - Chastise the target, causing 370 to 430 Holy damage and Immobilizing them for up to 2 sec. Only works against Humanoids.

[img][/img][b]Symbol of Hope[/b] - Greatly increases the morale of party members, giving them 33 mana every 5 sec. Effect lasts 15 sec.

[img][/img][b]Hex of Weakness[/b] - Weakens the target enemy, reducing damage caused by 20 for 2 min.

[img][/img][b]Shadowguard[/b] - The caster is surrounded by shadows. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 130 Shadow damage. Attackers can only be damaged once every few seconds. This damage causes no threat. 3 charges. Lasts 10 min.

[img][/img][b]Touch of Weakness[/b] - The next melee attack on the caster will cause 80 Shadow damage and reduce the damage caused by the attacker by 35 for 2 min.

[img][/img][b]Consume Magic[/b] - Dispels one beneficial Magic effect from the caster and gives them 120 to 154 mana. The dispelled effect must be a priest spell.

[img][/img][b]Devouring Plague[/b] - Afflicts the target with a disease that causes 1216 damage Shadow damage over 24 sec. Damage caused by the Devouring Plague heals the caster.

[i][size="1"]Zdroj prevazne - Nepresnosti z duvodu blbeho hledani jelikoz vetsina racialek byla ve wotlk smazana.[/size][/i]

#352 User is offline   Maci 

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:33 PM

i to 10sec trvani je docela mystiqlike ;)

#353 User is offline   Alci 

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 03:55 PM

Sry jeste jdu sehnat spravny doby trvani protoze (sry) ta mystiqpedie je proste strasna vsecko je podle ni na 10s xD

#354 User is offline   Howkey 

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:21 PM

Nejlíp buglej je Consume Magic ... počítá se k němu Spelldmg a pro jistotu ještě nesebere buff :))) takže každou chvíli máte +600 many cca zadarmo :)((

#355 User is offline   Alci 

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Posted 05 January 2010 - 04:42 PM

A tak on je to podle mne dost malo uzitecnej spell (kdyz teda neni buglej) jestli prida jen 154 many max a jeste sunda buff.

Kdyby dispeloval jakejkoli magic efekt a ne jen priestovskej buff tak by to byl uzitecnej dispel ale takhle proste x)

#356 User is offline   Matko 

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 10:51 PM

inak, neviem ako blizzard vymyslal tie racialky...proste mne pride, ze hordaci maju uplne super veci a alici same kktiny...Jedine za heal je dobry desperate prayer...ale ak chcete ist dmg, tak je to naprd...ked to porovnam s takym Devouring Plague...tak jako mega rozdiel... feedback...stoji milion many...uplna kktina...

#357 User is offline   Maci 

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Posted 06 January 2010 - 11:22 PM

Mne to prijde docela srovnatelny, alici maj racialky spis na disco (snad s vyjimkou NE), hordaci zase spis na shadow. Uz se mi stalo, ze mi roguna shodila Touch of Weakness, tak sem si ho nahodil znova, procl mi na to blackout sam do sebe a prakticky sem se tim odkragloval :).

Treba takovej undead disco ten plague skoro nevyuzije, ale tak zase Touch of Weakness je super proti rogunam (coz je nas temer nejvetsi nepritel :) ) a WotF je kapitola sama pro sebe. Zase BE docela ostrouhal. Na druhou stranu zkus potkat takovyho Dwarf Discanta, snad nic odpornejsiho uz bejt nemuze :) - insta heal, chastice, shazovani jedu. Co do disco class tak Dwarf to proste drti :).

#358 User is offline   Alci 

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 05:28 PM

Feedback sice stoji dost many ale zapinam to pomoci IF takze nestoji nic. Zapinam to proti dispelujicim shamanum a priestum ti se pak krasne burni sami.

Aliancni priesti maj dobry racialky treba chastise je uplne bomba spell a jedina jeho nevyhoda je ze ho nemam xD

#359 User is offline   simonek 

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 06:11 PM

zdravím expím tu těď Sprista chtěl bych jet jen shadow a spis pvp de mi o to jestli az to s namahou vyexpim jestli to pude
jestli treba Spriest nema takovou reputaci že už říkaj: (chci do 2v2 třeba rogue nebo shamana je mi to celkem jedno ale určitě
ne Sprista) vím že je to hodně o skillu ale u nějákých classu nepomůže ani když su hodně dobrej

#360 User is offline   Maci 

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 07:19 PM

[quote name='simonek' date='07 január 2010 - 06:11 ' timestamp='1262884270' post='118513']
zdravím expím tu těď Sprista chtěl bych jet jen shadow a spis pvp de mi o to jestli az to s namahou vyexpim jestli to pude
jestli treba Spriest nema takovou reputaci že už říkaj: (chci do 2v2 třeba rogue nebo shamana je mi to celkem jedno ale určitě
ne Sprista) vím že je to hodně o skillu ale u nějákých classu nepomůže ani když su hodně dobrej
U vsech class pomuze, kdyz ses hodne dobrej ;). Snad jen takovej destro lock, feral, balance druid to maj takovy tezsi. Spriest je naopak paradni partak k magovi / rogune / warlockovi (s magem a rogunou uz tu par spriestu 2200 rating nahralo), da se i solidne zahrat s balance druidem / beastmaster hunterem (je to teda kombo stylu, kde si na jednoho ukazes a bud to chcipne behem 15sec bestialu nebo strouhas mrkev a vzhledem k omezenymu CC tam ani neni co vymejslet).

Shamik se mi nezda moc dobra volba, pac vas kazdy druhy kombo usloupuje a neni tam poradnej CC. Samozrejme kdyz je souper blbej a nalitne na vas rambo stylem, jde to zrusit ukrutne rychle.

Do 3v3 si nemyslim, ze by mel spriest potencial na nejakej top team, pac dojede na manu a konci, ale tak vsechno jde zahrat, kdyz se chce :D.

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