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Report ID 5681 Title Rare moby - Northrend
Product NPC Status Opravené (Severity 2 - Fair)

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Report ID #5681: Rare moby - Northrend

#1 User is offline  

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Posted 29 March 2011 - 12:18 PM

Ahoj, sledujem trinity opravy na githube a objavilo sa tam toto
je to oprava vhodná pre daemonicu?

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#2 User is offline  

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Posted 29 March 2011 - 04:18 PM

leda rucne preportovat... budem to resit az budeme probirat co vzit z updatepacku noveho, driv urcite ne

#3 User is offline  

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Posted 22 June 2011 - 12:16 PM

Updating status to: Opravené!
Updating severity to: 2 - Fair

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