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Report ID 7288 Title Teleport This!
Product TBC Status Nové (Severity 0 - None Assigned)

Report ID #7288: Teleport This!

#1 User is offline  

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Posted 24 November 2011 - 09:52 AM

Teleport This!

Pomocou itemu enslavnut moba a pouzit jeho utoky na znicenie portalu. Nejde znicit portaly.

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#2 User is offline  

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:48 AM

Cyber-Rage Forgelords by měl mít abilitu Destroy portal, ale tuto abilitu nema, jenom klasické útoky.

Text z wowheadu:
You must use the Rod to Mind Control one of the Cyber-Rage Forgelords near the portals and use their Detonate ability while standing next to it. If your pet bar doesn't show up, the ability's hot-key should default to Ctrl+5.

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