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Report ID 6699 Title Ethereal Soul-Trader
Product TBC Status Čeká na opravu od TC (Severity 2 - Fair)

Report ID #6699: Ethereal Soul-Trader

#1 User is offline  

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 03:17 PM

z VIP shopu jsem si za cento koupil Soul-Trader Beacon, ktery me nauci vysummonit peta Ethereal Soul-Trader

chtel jsem ho kvuli unikatni funkci, blize popsane zde:

Summons a full-size Consortium member as a Non-Combat pet.
When summoned emotes "I have arrived. Shall we set to work, then?".
Pet follows and absorbs souls from slain mobs via killing blow in return for Ethereal Credit.
To earn credit mobs / players must be capable of giving experience / honor, i.e. green or harder, and character must have the killing blow.
The pet also acts as a vendor and the following items can be bought with Ethereal Credit:
[Diluted Ethereum Essence] [Ethereal Mutagen] [Ethereal Liqueur] [Ethereal Essence Sphere] [Soul-Trader's Bindings] [Soul-Trader's Boots] [Soul-Trader's Gloves] [Soul-Trader's Head Wrap] [Soul-Trader's Pauldrons] [Soul-Trader's Waistband]
The vendor purchasable Soul-Trader clothing set almost matches those worn by Consortium members.
Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.

bez toho je to jenom suchej panak a kvuli tomu jsem si ho nekoupil

da se to opravit nebo aplikovat nejaka oprava primo od TC..?

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#2 User is offline  

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 03:34 PM

s touhle opravou fakt nepocitej :-)

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 04:26 PM

V tom případě nemá cenu aby byl v VIP shopu...

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 04:38 PM

Ho reklamuj, do 30 dnu mužeš věci objednane po internetu vratit v neporušenem obalu a vrati ti penize :)

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 05:23 PM

asi to udelam, 100 MM je hodne, komu mam napsat..?

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 06:04 PM mmchd opravdu sis myslel, ze to bude fungovat?

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 06:36 PM

jo myslel, samozrejme jsem necekal ze od vas, ale ano, predpokladal jsem to

pockam po tom novym jadru, jestli to nahodou nebude fungovat, pak to kdyztak vyreklamuju

p.s. kdyztak to k tomu dopiste ve vip shopu, ze to nefunguje

#8 User is offline  

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Posted 15 November 2011 - 04:58 PM

Updating status to: Čeká na opravu od TC
Updating severity to: 2 - Fair

zkousel jsem to resit, ale pres Smart Script to nepujde... takze bud ceckari nebo TC

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