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Report ID 6848 Title Blackfathom Deeps
Product 5-man Status Nové (Severity 2 - Fair)

Report ID #6848: Blackfathom Deeps

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Posted 14 September 2011 - 06:18 AM


Oblast: Blackfathom Deeps

Blíže: Místnost jménem Moonshrine Sanctum - dveře směrem k Aku´mai
Problém: Kolem sochy Azshary jsou čtyři zápalné misky, po jejich zapálení se sice spawnou guardians moby, ale bohužel se neotevřou dveře do další lokace - zkoušenou na dvou ID

WoWWiky - Moonshrine Sanctum said:

Blizzlike: Moonshrine Sanctum lies beyond Moonshrine Ruins and leads directly into Aku'mai's Lair, past a set of large double doors.
To open the doors, all its guardians must be defeated by lighting the four candles around the statue of Azshara. It is advisable to
light the candles one at a time, as each will spawn a group of sentries, either crabs, turtles, makrura, or water elementals.

Dveře by se měli otevřít po zapálení těch misek.


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#2 User is offline  

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 02:16 AM

Updating severity to: 2 - Fair

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