- forum: Viewing Timeline for: Gezzarak the Huntress jako pet - Bugreport

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Return to issue Viewing Timeline for: Gezzarak the Huntress jako pet

Collapse Sunday June 19, 2011 (1 entries)

cezeta  closed issue 9:35am

Collapse Tuesday June 14, 2011 (2 entries)

cezeta  added a reply 1:41pm
Josiah  added a reply 10:12am

Collapse Monday June 13, 2011 (4 entries)

cezeta  added a reply 3:44pm
cezeta  changed severity to 2 - Fair 3:44pm
cezeta  changed status to Opravené 3:44pm
Josiah  added a reply 8:10am

Collapse Sunday June 12, 2011 (1 entries)

cezeta  added a reply 10:11am

Collapse Friday June 10, 2011 (2 entries)

Josiah  added a reply 12:24am
Issue Started Josiah  created issue 12:22am
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